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Welcome to our Little Genie Family Daycare!

At our Family Daycare, we are dedicated to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment where children can embark on an exciting journey of language and cultural discovery. We understand the immense benefits of early language exposure, and we take pride in offering a unique and immersive experience that sets the stage for a lifelong love of learning.

Our daycare is designed to create a genuine and fun immersion experience in Chinese. We believe that language learning is most effective when it happens naturally, so our team of caring and qualified educators are fluent bilingual speakers (Mandarin/English). This ensures that your child is surrounded by an authentic language environment that promotes fluency and language acquisition.

As your child engages in play-based activities, interactive games, and creative projects, they will naturally pick up Chinese vocabulary and expressions. Our carefully crafted curriculum is designed to make learning enjoyable, age-appropriate, and culturally enriching. Through stories, songs, and traditions, we introduce the rich heritage and customs of Chinese culture, broadening your child's global perspective.

Safety and well-being are paramount in our daycare. We maintain a secure and child-friendly environment with age-appropriate toys, educational materials, and comfortable spaces for exploration and learning. Our low child-to-teacher ratio ensures that each child receives the individual attention and care they need to thrive.

At our Chinese Immersion Daycare, we believe that parents play a vital role in their child's educational journey. We maintain open and transparent communication with parents, sharing progress updates, milestones, and insights into their child's language development. We also encourage families to participate in cultural events and celebrations, fostering a strong sense of community and support.

Enroll your child in our Daycare today and watch them grow as confident language learners .Together, we will sow the seeds of knowledge and understanding that will blossom throughout their lives.

歡迎來到 Little Genie Family Daycare
在Little Genie Family Daycare 我們為學齡前的孩子們提供雙語及舒適

發展獨特的個體,為未來的學習做好準備。 在我們的教學環境中培養孩

間; 我們的師生比例較低,以確保每位孩子都能得到成長所需的關注和

加入Little Genie Family Daycare,讓孩子們在舒適的環境中成長為有
自信的學習者; 播下快樂的種子,讓他們終生綻放。


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